Thursday, June 11, 2009

Don't know where to start

Right now, at the very present moment that everybody is burning the midnight oil to study the exam materials, I'm sitting in front of my computer thinking I'll start right away, but when I turn the PC off and try to read something I'm sure I'll look for an excuse not to do away with the studying. Have you ever felt like this? I'm positive you have, unless you're one of those book worms that are seen studying all the time. While a huge pile of work or books is waiting for you at your desk, you convince yourself that there would be no harm if you started tomorrow, or next Saturday, or on the 15th or any other round number! I always remember what Mr. Rakhshani said: "Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow." It's always like this rather than the other way round, isn't it? The story goes on like this until the night before the exam-that sleepless night-when you go above and beyond to finish reading all the materials once at least. On the day of the exam, stressed to death, thinking everyone else is ready but you, with those empty looks of yours when someone asks a question, you go to the exact place of exam, waiting for your executioner to show up and give you the test. You look at the questions quickly and you recognize you don't know some and the answer to the rest is so vague that you don't know what to write.
After the exam you promise yourself that next time you'll do better and that you won't leave all the hard work for one night, but when exactly that next time comes no one knows. It seems it goes on like this forever like a vicious circle you can't get out of. Maybe I'm too undecisive that I'm facing such tell me.

After 7 years

My uncle (on my mother's side) arrived on Monday from America. I hadn't seen him for nearly 8 years. You know, when it gets this long, you just think you don't miss them, but when you finally see them you can feel the sudden rush of sensations, which have been bottled up, overflowing. You suddenly think what you are going to do when they leave, and how you have managed to go on without them this many a year. The bonds become stronger and stronger and you want to spend all of your time together. In the case of my uncle, who listens to every detail of your everyday routine with patience and love, you will come to the conclusion that you don't want to let them go one more time.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


It's getting harder for me to resist writing about political issues, especially with last night's so-called controversy. I'm gathering my thoughts these days to finally decide who to vote for but the harder I try to concentrate, the more difficult it gets to come up with a conclusion. What is politics after all? If we were to discover the politicians' true intentions, we would have been politicians ourselves and as far as we're not politicians, I believe a lot of relations will remain stealthy and undercover to most of us.
You sit in a taxi and the driver talks like he's an expert in political matters. They wouldn't call it politics if everyone could discover what goes on behind the curtains. Among all the people some intellectuals might be able to guess the real connections between people and events but that would only be a guess and nothing more. Only God knows what each candidate is up to. I think we should vote for the one who sounds more logical; how can someone who doesn't understand the problem itself be able to find a solution to it? Some candidates' solutions sound really ridiculous and I'm surprised why some people still insist on voting for them. It's disgusting how some candidates manipulate youngsters by nice but untrue mottoes and this is unbearable for me. I don't know, maybe if I were their age I would be as excited. It's still a long way till the election-which is 8 days form now-and I can't wait to see the results.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Definitely read this!

I came across this email a few days ago which I found funny and interesting but true. I try hard not to get involved in political matters but I couldn't help going through this one and again I couldn't help translating it into English for you. Please forgive my poor translation beforehand.
A senator dies and unlike many others he's sent to heaven. At heaven's door, the guard surprisingly says: " It's quite a long time we haven't had a senator here! God has ordered me to offer you two options; you can choose between heaven and hell after you've spent a day in each." He immediately answers: "I've made up my mind and I want to go to heaven." The guard replies: "I'm sorry I can't open the door for you. It's an order and you must spend a day in each place and then decide where to stay."
So he spends the first day in hell. He finds many of his comrades there. They play golf together, dance, drink, listen to music, play cards and have a really good time. To his surprise, he finds the weather very nice and cool and thinks what everyone had said about hell was wrong. By the end of the day he's had the best time of his life never wanting it to end.
The next day he's sent to heaven. He finds very few familiar faces but again enjoys his time the whole day. Nice weather and entertainment of any kind was available for him as he had expected; however, he's found hell more interesting and appealing.
At the end of the second day, the guard asks him where he wanted to stay and he answers "hell," with no hesitation. On the third day he's sent to hell to stay there forever. Disappointed to see that there's just a barren land with no food, no entertainment and no friends at all, he asks the guard: "What happened to what I saw yesterday? This is completely different." The guard replies: "That was before you VOTED for it."