Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Male Chauvinism

     Yesterday in the "Listening and Speaking" class we listened to a conversation in which 4 people were involved: two women and two men. One of the ladies, whom I assumed to be older, believed that we still live in a male-dominant society and that men are chosen over women applying for the same job. 
     There's no doubt about the fact that we live in such a society; however, I argue for it and not against it, unless the ethic changes which I believe this hasn't happened yet. Of course to some extent it has, but not to a level that allows society patterns to be changed. There are families in which both husband and wife work to make a living, but still the man is the breadwinner of the family and the bigger expenses are on him.
     I admit that there are women who can make more money than men but what is their more serious duty? Shouldn't women spend most of their time bringing up children? Who will be held responsible if a child is not well-adjusted in the society? The man or the woman? On the other hand if a family is not economically successful it's the man who has to answer,  isn't it?
     In my opinion running a family and bringing up children is a job itself; one of the most important jobs ever. I will be committed to it; otherwise, I will have betrayed my own society in the first place by not caring for its well-being. 
     At the end of the mentioned conversation there was an interesting hypothetical question: "If you were to come to the world again would you prefer to be a man or a woman?" My own answer is: "I'd definitely choose to be a woman again." What would your answer be?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


     You're well aware of the fact that these days most youngsters apply for their driver's license as soon as they turn 18. I was born in Mehr; however, in my identity card the date of birth is Shahrivar, therefore when I went to enroll in a driving class they told me I couldn't start the classes unless I was 18 and although there were only 6 days left to my birthday I had to wait. What a long time to wait! For some reasons I hadn't been able to do away with it until this year-I'm 24 now. I took the classes in Bahman and my progress was quite satisfactory. I was able to take the driving test two weeks before Noruz hoping to receive the license before the holiday so that I could practice my driving during Noruz when the city would be less crowded. 
     The day of the test was like a nightmare to me. After finishing the theory classes I hadn't even looked at the book, in which the necessary rules and regulations are written, so I had to study it the day before the test. In the morning still 40 pages containing the most common traffic signs were left untouched. However, I was so sick and tired of it dragging so long that I preferred to fail than to wait another week. So I took the test and with two mistakes I could pass on the skin of my teeth. Then there were two options: I either could take the practical test in the same day (I mean the one in which you actually have to drive) or I had to wait until the week after to take it. Because I was lucky enough to pass the morning test I thought it would be better to take the other one in the same day and ger rid of the whole thing.
     A police officer-a woman- was driving and I was in the last group who sat in the car. After watching so many girls and boys fail I had started to panic and was very nervous. From others I had found out that the person first sitting behind the wheel was the luckiest because the place she would be asked to park the car wasn't steep and it would be easier to manage it. The officer stopped the car in front of us and called the last three names. Unfortunately I was the last. When we sat in the car the first girl to take the test found out that she had forgotten to bring one of the documents needed, so the officer shockingly asked me to take her place, even though it wasn't my turn. 
     I adjusted the rearview and the side mirrors. Then I adjusted my seat. I put on my left indicater, pressed the clutch pedal and shifted it into first gear. I was too nervous that I let out the clutch all of a sudden and the car jerked forward. Hopefully I made no other mistakes and finally passed. What a close shave.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


     Last night I had a hard time sleeping. My sleeping hours have changed and because I had slept four hours in the afternoon I didn't fall asleep when I went to bed at midnight. When I figured it was useless to change position and roll from side to side, I decided to get up and take a shower and when I did so, I was fresh enough to stay awake for another 2 hours. I was wandering around the house thinking what I could do, when I came across this move named "Changeling" beside the television. I was tempted to watch it and I did. I'm so pleased I chose to watch it because the story was really moving.
     Changeling basically means a baby secretly exchanged for another, especially a stupid ugly child left in place of a beautiful clever one, supposedly by fairies. The movie was based on a true story. Some police officers were trying to convince a mother, who had lost her child, into believing that some other child, other than his boy, was hers. She was so courageous that despite all their efforts to persuade her, she didn't lose hope in looking for her own son. "Never start a fight but always end one," she said.
     Has it ever happened to you when everybody around you denies what you believe in? While you know you're wise enough to make decisions they go on trying to prove the only important thing is what they believe. The same thing happened in the movie "The Flight Plan," again, people were trying to deceive a woman into believing she was delusional. Such movies motivate me. I come to understand that life is worth fighting for and I strongly reprimand being so stubborn and inflexible in one's beliefs and thoughts. 

Friday, April 17, 2009

You look different from what you think

     When I was in high school I thought I had a very good voice until one day this feeling was shattered. The answering machine was on when one of my friends called and because I was too late to answer the phone, the machine had started to receive a message before I picked the receiver up, therefore the first part of our conversation was actually recorded. I didn't believe my ears when I played it back. I couldn't believe that ugly voice was mine.       
     The very same story happened dealing with a handycam. I had thought I was stylish until my thoughts were totally ruined when I was filmed.
     The question is: why is that? I mean are there people who think the other way round? That they think they have a bad appearance ,but  accidentally they find out that the reality is the opposite and they're really good-looking?      
     I hope your case is not similar to mine in terms of contradictions in what you think and what you really are. I think appearance has a lot to do with what we think. It's important how to dress suitably for different occasions. After all, appearance is the first thing you pay attention to when you meet new people and it plays a great role in forming first impressions.
     Although most of the time that's the case, there are some exceptions. How many times has it happened to you when you thought someone was very elegant and had etiquette because he/she had dressed perfectly but later you found out they were exactly the opposite? Conversely, quite often you meet someone dressing shabbily or improperly and that makes you form a bad impression but later they become your best friends or even inspirations in your life.       
     In addition, you should be very careful ,because sometimes certain appearances convey certain messages that we might not be aware of. You think you're being fashionable without knowing that the kind of clothes you're wearing may display a different image to public from what you actually are.   

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


     Before starting the main body of the blog I'd like you to know that I haven't started reviewing my grammar pamphlet so right now it's really hard for me to punctuate as I write. Dear readers, if there are any (!), bear with me until I get the hang of this set of punctuation rules.
     There are times in my life I feel so satisfied with the way I behave. Not that I have good manners that nobody else has or I'm somehow special, but being a quite normal person in the society makes me happy especially when I see some people acting so strange in public. I'm dead set against the restless effort people make in order to look unique while there is no uniqueness on the inside. What's wrong in being like everyone else anyway? I don't understand. Such people are overly self-confident. Every behavior has its place and time and I guess they lack enough intelligence to first monitor the situation and then take action. Nobody thinks you lack knowledge if you stop airing it so confidently when you yourself are not sure how correct your ideas are.
     I like harmony and these people interrupt the harmony I've built around myself by looking too flashy or too plain. The plain group is less harmless, because people who belong to this group don't try to force themselves and their ideas into other people's lives. However, acting so neutral is no good ,either. On the other hand, people in the flashy group always try to impose their attitudes on others without thinking for a single second that they might be wrong and that there always happens to exist wiser and more knowledgeable people. This stems from stupidity don't you think so?