Friday, April 17, 2009

You look different from what you think

     When I was in high school I thought I had a very good voice until one day this feeling was shattered. The answering machine was on when one of my friends called and because I was too late to answer the phone, the machine had started to receive a message before I picked the receiver up, therefore the first part of our conversation was actually recorded. I didn't believe my ears when I played it back. I couldn't believe that ugly voice was mine.       
     The very same story happened dealing with a handycam. I had thought I was stylish until my thoughts were totally ruined when I was filmed.
     The question is: why is that? I mean are there people who think the other way round? That they think they have a bad appearance ,but  accidentally they find out that the reality is the opposite and they're really good-looking?      
     I hope your case is not similar to mine in terms of contradictions in what you think and what you really are. I think appearance has a lot to do with what we think. It's important how to dress suitably for different occasions. After all, appearance is the first thing you pay attention to when you meet new people and it plays a great role in forming first impressions.
     Although most of the time that's the case, there are some exceptions. How many times has it happened to you when you thought someone was very elegant and had etiquette because he/she had dressed perfectly but later you found out they were exactly the opposite? Conversely, quite often you meet someone dressing shabbily or improperly and that makes you form a bad impression but later they become your best friends or even inspirations in your life.       
     In addition, you should be very careful ,because sometimes certain appearances convey certain messages that we might not be aware of. You think you're being fashionable without knowing that the kind of clothes you're wearing may display a different image to public from what you actually are.   


  1. I can't agree more.I personally have experieced some cases in which my first impression from someone was totally the opposite of the reality.
    My humble suggestions:
    1) high school
    2) "I was TOO late to..."
    3) "The question is..." in a new paragraph
    Regards and good luck.

  2. Perfect, thanks a lot. I'll correct them right away.

  3. And by the way thanks for being so accurate.

  4. By your ultra tolerant answer, I was tempted to say one more thing if I may, and that is, I got the impression that "you" is a plural one, if it is true, seemingly "your lives" could be a better choice.

  5. here means a person, anyone, so it is refered to as a single pronoun. This "you" is used instead of "we" to give a more formal sense to the text."We" is plural but "you" in this sense is not! But correct me if I'm mistaken ,please.

  6. You're right. Thanks for the elaboration.
